Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mother's Day

We asked two women that we work closely with and who's opinions we value, to share with us some ideas they have for Mother's Day.  We wanted them to tell us who they honor and how they honor them.  And after reading both, our own gift lists got a little longer ;)  After all ,where would we be without the women who's shoulders we lean on and who's smiles brighten our days?

Regina Namlick of Take Me Home, one of our fine retailers says this:

A mothers treasure is her family. Celebrate your mother on her special day with a MessageTile from PlaceTile Designs- a great mom must have!!! Perfect for a "to do" list, reminders, menus, daily chores or just a sweet sentiment....your mom will love it!!!

Take Me Home
216 C South Talbot St.
St. Michaels, MD 21663 

And Natalie Hammer Noblitt, wrote about Many Types of Mothers

While there are 80 million mothers in the United States, I would count
that number as much higher. I saw this number reported on a recent
list of Mother’s Day facts by online magazine Gift & Home Interactive
( The story also said the number of
women who have actually given birth has dropped from 90% to 80% since
1976. It seems to me that while the percentage of traditional mothers
may have dropped for a variety of reasons, our culture has embraced
Mother’s Day to include even more women. That is a great thing! Two
years ago I became a mom, and I started rethinking what it means to be
one. I have expanded my gift-giving list for Mother’s Day. I am lucky
to have a fantastic mother, sister and mother-in-law who I always send
a note and gift. But now I include women in my life who do not have
children or stepchildren. These women are special to me and I wanted a
way to honor them for dispensing love and friendship like a good
mother would. Mothers are a special breed for sure, but I like the
idea of making this holiday an inclusive celebration of all women who
are caretakers. Who are the special women in your life? Will you take
time to honor them this year with a simple note or gesture? I hope so.

Natalie Hammer Noblitt
Freelance Writer, Marketing & PR
Just Your Type Media
140 S. Calumet Ave.
Aurora, IL 60506

(630) 566-9828

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